Reading & Learning Tables
From March 2020 we intended to start up our reading club for the friends of WINWIDE and our teams; then Corona flew into our world!… 2 years later the Lock-Downs (LD) slowly were opening and we restarted in 2022 with WINWIDE’s ‘New Begin’. We have had to adapt our strategy ‘Corona proof’ with more flexibility and less dependent of Corona LDs.
As of January 2022 we therefore strictly will keep our focus on what WINWIDE’s stands for, to connecting people and cultures. We will do that by reading & writing our New Nomads (NN) Stories at our new installed reading and writing AlleTonen-Tafel (ATT). This Table is interactive and falls under category 5 of the reading material below. This new Table also touches WINWIDE’s other ATT interactive meeting and learning programs. To bring the name ‘Reading Club’ more in line with the other ATTs we have changed the name into ‘Reading & Learning (AT)-Tables’. Furthermore, the content of the NN stories will address contemporary migration processes, either literally or figuratively. The stories will be bundled and artistically presented as WINWIDE’s ‘New Nomads Dialogues’ at our AlleTonen Podium.

The reading material for the reading club is subdivided into 5 different categories, and although we work with a list of books, participants are very welcome to bring their own books.
1. Meaning and Spirituality
2. Philosophy and Psychology
3. History, Politics & Society
4. Music, Art & Culture
5. Regional, Family Novels and Autobiographies – Interactive*
*The structure of this category is interactive, i.e. the participants do not read the books of existing writers and/or celebrities, but write and/or tell them themselves. We then read and/or discuss these original and personal stories together.
The content fits very nicely into our contemporary momentum of aging and certainly fulfills a need for this essential question, a struggle that everyone is confronted with on his own time. The book can also be used to start up the reading club in a practical way. This is because the recommended books of the interviewed persons provide a clear guideline for an interesting and nice follow-up.
How to participate?
How do you become a friend of WINWIDE? By registering via and transfer € 50 per year: NL06ABNA0471495336 t.n.v. St. WINWIDE IEP